Qu-Test & Qu-Pilot invite you to step into the future of quantum at Quantum Meets 2024!

June 11

Qu-Test and Qu-Pilot will be present as an exhibitor at Q-Expo, as an integral part of Quantum Meets 2024. This free, co-created quantum event is co-hosted by Quantum Delta and European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC); it takes place June 11-13, 2024, at the KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam.

In tandem with the Q-Expo participation on June 11, Qu-Test and Qu-Pilot representatives will host a special side event to launch the Open Calls. External use case companies are invited to apply for the services Qu-Test and Qu-Pilot are offering for free. 

More events where AMIRES is going on our website now available!