Graphene Flagship common Kick-Off meeting and Science and Technology Forum (STF)

February 8

Next-2Digits participated in the Graphene Flagship common kick-off meeting and Science and Technology Forum, organised on 5-6 February 2024 by the Graphene Flagship Coordination and Support Action project and hosted by Chalmers University of Technology, in Gothenburg, Sweden. The Next-2Digits project had the chance to meet in person with the other 11 RIAs/IAs involved in this partnership: 2NEURALVISION, GATEPOST, GRAPHERGIA, Project ARMS, MUNASET, 2D-BioPAD, GIANCE project, 2D-PRINTABLE, 2D ENGINE, 2D-SPINTECH, SAFARI. The meeting aimed to strengthen connections and collaboration among the RIAs/IAs, as they collectively strive to transition graphene technologies from labs to markets.

The Kick-Off meeting on February 5th aimed to officially start the cooperation between the 12 RIAs/IAs, addressing the goals that these projects have in common. The event also focused on innovation road-mapping, standardization, and outreach opportunities to expedite the practical applications of graphene.

The Science and Technology Forum (STF) on February 6th focused on the future of graphene development and EU funding, particularly in the context of the European Union’s strategic partnership, Innovative Advanced Materials for the EU (IAM4EU). As stressed during this Forum, the next few years will be decisive in defining the future of 2D advanced materials.

For more information on the Graphene Flagship Common Kick-Off meeting, click here and the preparation for the Graphene Week 2024 that will take place in Prague. Explore also the Next-2Digits project here.

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