Feedback opportunity for Horizon Europe work programme 2025
April 22Contribute to the development of the Horizon Europe work programme 2025 by filling in one or more surveys.
How to participate
This is an opportunity to provide input for the development of the Horizon Europe ‘main’ work programme 2025. Responses submitted through the survey will contribute to the co-design of the work programme 2025, covering all 6 clusters, research infrastructures, European innovation ecosystems, the 5 EU Missions and the New European Bauhaus facility.
The feedback opportunity is open for 3 weeks from 15 April and closes on 6 May 2024 midday, CET.
The feedback is being collected at the level of the ‘Destinations’ or Missions. To structure the input, the Commission services have provided an orientation document for each Destination and Mission, outlining the impacts and outcomes expected from the actions to be funded in 2025.
- Expected impacts are the wider long-term effects of groups of projects on society, the economy and science. The expected impacts are defined in the Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025-2027
- Expected outcomes explain what a group of successful projects should achieve overall in the medium term, and on the way to the longer-term
More information HERE!