Exploring CCU, Power-to-X, and Solar-to-X Innovations (4-5 June, Genk)

June 4

On June 4-5, 2024, at EnergyVille in Genk, Belgium, the conference ‘Harnessing Renewables for a Sustainable Future: Exploring CCU, Power-to-X, and Solar-to-X Innovations’ will be held. Aimed at developing a device for the conversion of sunlight into fuels, our project CONDOR is one of the co-organizers and will be presented during the event.

Discussions will span the whole innovation chain: latest results from excellent academic research, ways to scale up innovative solar-to-X technologies, demonstrations of mature solutions on their way to commercialisation and their integration into the existing energy system. Next to plenaries and panel discussions, the conference will offer the opportunity to showcase European innovations, either in form of a project pitch or by exhibiting a demonstrator (tangible, no poster). 

What you can expect:

  • Gain a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-play of solar-to-x technologies
  • Pitch your project or present your results in diverse working groups
  • Exchange with leading academics, visionary entrepreneurs, industrial leaders, policymakers, and investors
  • Discuss ways to move from technology readiness levels to manufacturing readiness levels
  • Explore viable business models for solar-to-x technologies
  • Contribute to the development of a holistic techno-sustainability methodology
  • Find partners for future projects and enjoy ample opportunities to network

Preliminary agenda and registration form are available HERE

More information about other AMIRES events here!