Privacy Policy – AMIRES s.r.o.

These principles constitute aggregated information obligations in line with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”, for the benefit of data subjects (you) that provide their personal data to AMIRES s.r.o. (we) as a data controller.

The information provided to the data subjects consists of the general part, i.e. from the information that is provided collectively to all third parties and from the specific information set out below, according to the nature of the situation.

1/ General information

Personal data is the data AMIRES process about data subjects, such as name, surname, email address, and more. The processing of personal data is any operation with personal data performed for a particular purpose, manually or automatically, electronically or in paper form. In particular, it is about collecting, recording, arranging, structuring, storing, adapting or altering, finding, viewing, using, accessing, transmitting, spreading or otherwise making available, sorting or combining, erasing or destroying personal data. Processing of personal data, on the other hand, does not involve the handling of personal data in an irregular and random manner as a result of other activities, such as a service of technical instruments for data processing.

Identity and contact details:

AMIRES s.r.o.

Na okraji 335/42

162 00 Prague 6

The Czech Republic

+ 420 226 217 422

Contact person:

Lenka Bajarova (

The data subject is entitled under certain circumstances given by GDPR (i.e. not always for all options and not always automatically) with:

  1. the right of access his or her personal data (Article 15 GDPR)
  2. the right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR)
  3. the right to erasure (Article 17 GDPR)
  4. the right to restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR)
  5. the right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR)
  6. the right to object (Article 21 GDPR)
  7. the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Czech Office for Personal Data Protection) (Article 77 of the GDPR)

If you wish to use any of these rights (except for number 7), we would ask you to apply your rights in writing by sending letter to our physical address (as mentioned above) or email address of the contact person (as mentioned above).

2/ Data processing connected with websites visit

PurposeScopeLegal titleProcessing time
Creating statistics and reports on the use of websites to improve themIP addressA legitimate interest in our goal in improving websitesFor a period of legitimate interest, no more than 2 years from the last visit
Creating statistics and reports on the use of projects website to prepare reports to the European CommissionIP addressA legitimate interest to fulfill our contractual obligations towards the European CommissionFor a period of legitimate interest, no more than 2 years from the last visit

We may employ the services of a third party to help us in certain areas, such as website hosting or web analytic. In some cases the third party may receive your information. All our third party providers are compliant with EU data privacy regulations. However, at all times, we will control and be responsible for the use of your information.

3/ Data processing related to newsletters (AMIRES / projects with AMIRES participation) subscription

Through the subscription form at our websites, you have the opportunity to provide us with your personal data in order to send you messages containing newsletters and news from the AMIRES world. The disclosure of these personal data is entirely voluntary, but these data are necessary to enable us to send you our news and announcements.

PurposeScopeLegal titleProcessing time
Sending news about AMIRES / AMIRES projects activitiesEmail contact, first and last name, employerAgreeing with the processing of personal data and sending communicationsBy the time you tell us that you no longer wish to receive AMIRES related information, or until your withdrawal of your consent to the processing of your personal data and the sending of communications
Creating statistics and reports on the use of newsletters to improve themEmail contact, first and last name, employer, information on the deliveryA legitimate interest in our goal in improving newslettersFor a period of legitimate interest, no more than 2 years from the last newsletter distribution

We may employ the services of a third party to help us in certain areas, such as the distribution of newsletters. In some cases the third party may receive your information. All our third party providers are compliant with EU data privacy regulations. However, at all times, we will control and be responsible for the use of your information.

We do record, through our newsletters service provider, information on who opens newsletters and who clicks on which stories. Our provider will only access this data if we ask them for help in a technical query. We use this information to improve and focus our news coverage; we will not pass this information to anyone else except in aggregated and hence anonymous form.

4/ Data processing related with registration for events

PurposeScopeLegal titleProcessing time
Registration for an event, including communication with participants in order to evaluate the eventEmail contact, first and last name, employers details, phoneNecessity to meet the contractFor the duration of the contractual relationship and 3 years later; basic information about the legal relationship and its existence (the parties, the subject of the obligation, etc.) for up to 10 years after the termination of the contract; personal data required by legal regulations for the period stipulated by law
Attendance list creatureFirst and last name, employers details, signatureA legitimate interestFor the duration of the event, not more than 3 years after the end

To be able to register for our events or events organised by the projects with our participation, we need to process your personal information as described above. In addition to the information we need to register, we need your signature on the attendance list.

5/ Data processing related with registration of a user profile in the Effibuilding database

PurposeScopeLegal titleProcessing time
Registration, management and administration of a user account, including communication with usersEmail contact, first and last name, employers details, phoneNecessity to meet the contractUntil the registration is cancelled, but for a maximum of 3 years from the last login
Sending news about EffibuildingEmail contact, first and last name, employerAgreeing with the processing of personal data and sending communicationsBy the time you tell us that you no longer wish to receive Effibuilding related information, or until your withdrawal of your consent to the processing of your personal data and the sending of communications

In order to use the full Effibuilding database a user profile needs to be created. To do this, some personal information is needed that allows you to access it and share your products / prototypes. This information you provide us voluntarily, as you are not able to use the Effibuilding database fully without it.

We may employ the services of a third party to help us in certain areas, such as the distribution of news. In some cases the third party may receive your information. All our third party providers are compliant with EU data privacy regulations. However, at all times, we will control and be responsible for the use of your information.

We do record, through our service provider, information on who opens newsletters and who clicks on which stories. Our provider will only access this data if we ask them for help in a technical query. We use this information to improve and focus our news coverage; we will not pass this information to anyone else except in aggregated and hence anonymous form.

6/ Personal data obtained from third parties

AMIRES uses publicly available and paid (commercial) databases, both on-line and off-line, which are produced by other entities. AMIRES also uses and processes unstructured data from publicly available websites. Used data sources include bibliographic records, bibliometric data, and data that are legal and physical persons obliged to communicate to the financial, economic and statistical sectors. These data do not contain any personal data beyond the above mentioned information obligations. This information is communicated to all data subjects only in this form and can not be read in conjunction with Article 14 (5) b) to communicate to each data subject individually, because in view of their number in the above-mentioned databases, such activity would represent an unreasonable effort for AMIRES.

Valid from 25/5/2018.